
Russian Spies Hid Secret Codes in Online Photos

Yahoo: "The alleged Russian spies recently arrested by the FBI are accused of encoding messages into otherwise innocuous pictures, marking the first confirmed use of this high-tech form of data concealment in real life, experts say.

The accused spies posted the seemingly mundane photos on publicly accessible websites, but then extracted coded messages from the computer data of the pictures, according to the criminal complaint filed by the FBI. Although computer scientists have theorized about the existence of this communication technique for over a decade, this is the first publicly acknowledged use of the technique."

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5140d ago
5139d ago
5139d ago
GodsHand5139d ago

Is this going to be another Wanted movie with hidden messages in something. I remember people using some sort of programe forget the name of it, but what it did was hid files inside of a jpg picture. It was used mostly for music, but you could put any file in there. I used to get some of these 3-6 meg pictures of album covers, that had 1 song in it.


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