
Motorola Droid X for Verizon official: July 15 for $200

Engadget: There was little about the mighty Droid X that we hadn't already known -- but for what it's worth, Verizon and Motorola have teamed up today to expose everything we want to know about the next Android beast for Big Red.

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OTA Gingerbread 2.3 update now available for Droid X

Engadget - Android 2.3 hit the web for Droid X owners earlier this week, but that update previously required a tethered, manual install. As of today, the update is available over the air, so cable-free purists can finally start cooking with Gingerbread on their Droid X handsets.

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Droid X² Set For $600 Price Tag Without Contract [$199 With]

Verizon, now well behind the game on it's premiere dual-core device as compared with AT&T, will officially launch the Droid X² - It's first dual-core handset - at $199 with contract, if normal discounting is to apply to the official full retail pricing we've picked up.

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krazykombatant5016d ago

Holy crap... $199 contract... Lived outside the U.S for two years here in the UK my x10 is probs 40 something pounds so what would this be 50-60 pounds a month?

JoeIsMad5015d ago

This is a device-only cost. Your monthly contract payment would be something entirely different.

silvacrest5013d ago

that is a rip off, not because of the price, but because this phone is a cut and paste of the original but just with a tegra 2 SoC, no 1GB ram, no 1080p recording(as far as i no), no qhd screen etc, motorola could have brought a real contender against the GS2, but this just falls near the optimus X2 range, good but no quite there yet


Official Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread Update for Motorola DROID X and DROID 2 leaked

Android 2.3 Gingerbread for Motorola DROID X is reportedly leaked, last week there was a rumor that Android 2.3 Gingerbread for DROID X would be released yesterday, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. Now It seems that Android 2.3 Update for DROID X and DROID 2 as well has been leaked and now available for download.

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techprezz5068d ago

If you don’t want to bear the risk, just wait for official release of Android 2.3 Gingerbread for both devices

fatstarr5067d ago

this is another leaked rom. seems fishy.

michass85068d ago

some reason I didn't go for custom roms at all, everything might be added to them by creator... too risky

techprezz5066d ago

hey michass8, yeah, u r right