
Eye tracking Tobii Glasses enable 'fully valid research' from a bodaciously styled pair of shades

Engadget: If you're looking to get in touch with some styling cues you left behind in the '80s, or perhaps just perform a study on effective product packaging, Tobii Technology would like you to get a load of these.

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Son Of Nor VR & Eye Tracking Interview

Stillalive Studios previews the new PC co-op game Son of Nor and explains how the title takes advantage of new technology like Tobii eye tracking and Oculus VR in this exclusive gameplay interview from San Francisco.

jagiii3602d ago

early days of this eye tracking is looking good.


Tobii Technology Unveils Eye Tracking Laptop, A World First

A new technology that we’ve been hearing about for a few year finally is getting unveiled today at CeBIT in Germany. Tobii Technology has partnered up with Lenovo to create a laptop with integrated eye tracking control. It is said that it will add to the functionality of a keyboard and mouse, rather than killing them.

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