BGR: Remember those leaked scripts for the Droid X commercial? Well Big Red has just posted a portion of one of them to its YouTube channel. Being a teaser, it doens’t really give us any information, though it does indicate the handset will be launching in July.
Engadget - Android 2.3 hit the web for Droid X owners earlier this week, but that update previously required a tethered, manual install. As of today, the update is available over the air, so cable-free purists can finally start cooking with Gingerbread on their Droid X handsets.
Verizon, now well behind the game on it's premiere dual-core device as compared with AT&T, will officially launch the Droid X² - It's first dual-core handset - at $199 with contract, if normal discounting is to apply to the official full retail pricing we've picked up.
Holy crap... $199 contract... Lived outside the U.S for two years here in the UK my x10 is probs 40 something pounds so what would this be 50-60 pounds a month?
that is a rip off, not because of the price, but because this phone is a cut and paste of the original but just with a tegra 2 SoC, no 1GB ram, no 1080p recording(as far as i no), no qhd screen etc, motorola could have brought a real contender against the GS2, but this just falls near the optimus X2 range, good but no quite there yet
Android 2.3 Gingerbread for Motorola DROID X is reportedly leaked, last week there was a rumor that Android 2.3 Gingerbread for DROID X would be released yesterday, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. Now It seems that Android 2.3 Update for DROID X and DROID 2 as well has been leaked and now available for download.
I wish i could get robot eyes like that.