
World Cup Inspires 1 in Every 150 Searches

PC World: Not only will the World Cup dominate our TV screens for the next month, it's also set to dominate our web surfing, says Hitwise.

Research by the web analytics firm has revealed that for the week ending June 5, before the tournament had even started, 0.66 percent of all search terms included a reference to the Fifa World Cup.

fatstarr5157d ago

That is true after watching the USA game I googled world cup standings and ranking.


Class B tabletop Autoclave

A Class B tabletop autoclave is a sophisticated and compact sterilization device used in medical, laboratory, and dental settings to effectively sterilize equipment, instruments, and materials. It operates on the principle of high-pressure steam, eliminating microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, and spores from items placed inside, ensuring a sterile environment for medical procedures, research, or other applications.


10 HP Printer Problems and How to Troubleshoot Them

Read this post to learn about 10 HP printer problems and how to troubleshoot them. Follow all the steps carefully while solving the error for a smooth result.

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