Engadget: During Engadget's time at ESPN's headquarters in Bristol, Connecticut this past week, Engadget were able to peek inside every nook and cranny of the company's technological side.
Major Nelson - Now on Xbox, sports fans have a whole new way to connect with fellow fans and compete on Xbox LIVE with the new Sports Picks app. You can make picks, compete with your Xbox LIVE friends and fight for domination of the leaderboard. With the Sports Picks app, we’ve also added a new experience for Xbox SmartGlass, so you can do all of this on your tablet or phone without missing a beat of the game on your TV through Xbox 360.
Engadget: Take that Mark Cuban. Everyone's favorite HD network owning billionaire called 3D sports DOA after deciding there weren't many people asking about a 3D Super Bowl, but now ESPN's 3D network has queued up its second championship of the year, adding the NBA Finals to its previously scheduled slate of regular season and playoff broadcasts.