
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Buy the iPhone 4

OcWeekly writes, "Now that all the hype and excitement surrounding the recently announced iPhone 4 has died down a bit, let's take a step back and consider if the new smartphone is worth your time and money. Is it worth it to upgrade from last summer's 3GS model? Is this a good time for first-time users? Here are some tidbits that may make you reconsider upgrading or purchasing Apple's latest device. "

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fatstarr5365d ago

I agree with this list fully
especially this fact

"Let's take a look at the release dates of the past iterations of the iPhone:"

* The original iPhone was released on June 29, 2007.
* The 3G was released on July 11, 2008.
* The 3GS was released on June 19, 2009.
* The iPhone 4 will be released on June 24, 2010.

Captain Tuttle5364d ago

Agreed. Apple's got a nice little racket going.

astar1234567895364d ago

this gets me so mad that next week its going to be why you should buy iphone 4 i hate it.

Bandrik5363d ago

This pretty much hits it on the ball. I have a 3GS, and while that upgraded high-res screen is very tantalizing, I just can't justify dropping the cash needed to upgrade -- especially with there likely to be yet another upgrade next year.

I -- and my wallet -- can wait.

snoop_dizzle5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

Sell your 3GS online. It seems I can probably get around 500 on my 3GS (32 gig). Maybe a little less because it's lightly used.

The only thing then is if you're technically eligible for a free upgrade and if you want to sign another contract.


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