
5 Windows Live Hidden Gems

Microsoft's Web services are so often overlooked that they're just about the software giant's best kept secret. But Microsoft is no Web-service slouch. In recent months the company has beefed up its Internet-based offerings with Office Web Apps, cool mapping tools, and desktop productivity software for making your data and core applications available anywhere on multiple devices, such as netbooks, smartphones, or PCs at an Internet café.


Ask Jack: Microsoft is killing off Windows Live Mail – what should I do?

Microsoft has announced its email program will stop working with services including Hotmail, Live Mail, MSN Mail and Outlook.com

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Axle_Grease2974d ago

I use WLM to send and retrieve email through pop3 and smtp servers only. That's how I've been using email clients since 1998. Unless MS makes WLM incompatible with the OS, it shall live on.

Lord_Sloth2973d ago

Use gmail like the rest of the world.


Windows Live Mail 2012 Will Not Work With the New Outlook.com

Microsoft today alerted customers that the ongoing migration to the new Outlook.com comes with a hidden cost: You will no longer be able to use Windows Live Mail 2012 to access the service.

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Clever Windows 7 + Windows Live commercial

Usually, advertisements from companies aren't reported on unless they are really cheeky or bring a message that really causes a stir, but this Windows 7 + Windows Live ad is one of the best from Microsoft.