
Sunday is most popular day for online porn

Cnet: Sometimes, statistics can go some way to defining the state of a civilization. This doesn't happen often, but there are small occasions in which even the most drunken, addled reader will sober up very quickly, as pertinent numbers begin to numb.

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fatstarr5163d ago

Very interesting article its more than just the title, lol some statistics i didn't even know about...How can 3,075.64 be spent every second on porn lol


Class B tabletop Autoclave

A Class B tabletop autoclave is a sophisticated and compact sterilization device used in medical, laboratory, and dental settings to effectively sterilize equipment, instruments, and materials. It operates on the principle of high-pressure steam, eliminating microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, and spores from items placed inside, ensuring a sterile environment for medical procedures, research, or other applications.


10 HP Printer Problems and How to Troubleshoot Them

Read this post to learn about 10 HP printer problems and how to troubleshoot them. Follow all the steps carefully while solving the error for a smooth result.

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13 Best WhatsApp Marketing Software To Send Bulk Messages [2023]

To execute WhatsApp marketing campaigns effectively, it is essential to have the right tools. One such tool is WhatsApp marketing software. This software