
Join The Cult! Facebook Hoodie With Mysterious Insignia Found On eBay

TechCrunch writes, "Earlier this week during an interview at the D8 conference, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg did the unthinkable: after finding the hotseat a little too toasty for his liking, he took off his hoodie. Interviewer Kara Swisher quickly discovered that the hoodie had a mysterious badge stitched on the inside and joked that Zuckerberg was in a cult. And then the Internet went sort of nuts.

Now, one Facebook employee has apparently tired of leading a life shrouded in secrecy — they’ve put their hoodie up for sale on eBay."

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Xpandemic5312d ago

wow, I don't know if this is fake or not but I wouldn't buy anything from a new account with 0 feedback

fatstarr5312d ago

Man those are the most trust worthy accounts xD.


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