
Spyware trojan hitching ride on third-party Mac screensavers

Mac security firm Intego has issued a warning about a Mac twist on a two-year-old Windows spyware app that sends a variety of potentially sensitive information to external servers. Dubbed "OSX/OpinionSpy," the spyware is installed along with a number of widely available third-party Mac OS X screensaver modules, as well as with at least one shareware tool to strip audio tracks from Flash videos.

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Windows Copilot gets its artificial tendrils deeper into the OS settings in a new beta update

And, for once, some of what it can do looks genuinely useful.


How Meta Is Preparing for the EU’s 2024 Parliament Elections

As the election approaches,Meta plans to activate an Elections Operations Center to identify potential threats and put mitigations in place in real time.

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NVIDIA will Reveal New AI Advancements at CES 2024

NVIDIA will have a Special Address at CES 2024 which is scheduled for Monday, 8 Jan. at 8 a.m. PT / 5 p.m. CET.

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