
Google Apologizes for Google Wave Confusion

PCMAG: Google executives offered a mea culpa of sorts for Google Wave on Wednesday, noting that the company did a poor job of explaining Wave's purpose. Going forward, the evolution of Wave will probably look a lot like Gmail, they said.

brennton5181d ago

Wave really could have been so much more, right off the bat. At least they're realising the mistakes they made now, and Wave is starting to get back on track. No invite needed, new extensions gallery and an updated API all will help grow the user base of the service hopefully. It's a good app, but probably won't revolutionise email.


Google Wave reaches zero amplitude

Engadget - We knew it was coming, but alas, the loss of Google Wave hits us anew now that the execution date has finally come. To say we fully grokked this platform would be untrue, but as we dug through its history to gather our thoughts, we realized what a misunderstood creature Wave really was.

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Few Google services that were Epic Fails

TechTeria lists few Google Services which were big epic fails. Do you even remember those? Checkout why they failed to attract the public.

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fatstarr4736d ago

I dont know if google videos was a fail. it had movies on it in 1 place full streams not broken up into parts and it worked very nicely.

halocursed4735d ago

Yes, I believe they thought concentrating on just Youtube would be better.

halocursed4735d ago

"Despite of many failures Google is still at the top but they might consider these failures before starting any new experimental project."

They definitely learn from it, but there is no reason google should stop trying to launch new services and ride on their Search dominance.


RIP Google Wave

TechLand: Surprised? You shouldn't be! The Techland team has been using Wave since October and many of us are still confused about what it's supposed to do. Looks like we're not in the minority.

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fatstarr5104d ago

they should just sell the code/rights/concept/w.e it is to facebook/digg/twitter/etc and make money off of them seeing as they already own the platforms in which this would be put to good use?

NewNameNow5103d ago

A lot of the technologies developed for Google Wave have long been open source.