
Google I/O: Chrome Now 70 Million Users Strong

At Google I/O today, the search giant announced that their browser, Chrome, now has 70 million users. That’s a up from nearly a year ago, when Google announced that Chrome had 30 million users.

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Syko5182d ago

Count me as one of the new recruits in this...I never really even bothered with Chrome because I was so used to using Firefox and I liked it that I didn't want to change. Then Firefox became a victim of its own success and was being targeted with crap as bad as Internet Explorer.

Now I use Chrome and after the initial feeling out phase I love it.

brennton5182d ago

Chrome is soon going to become a very popular browser indeed. Mozilla is even looking to the Chrome UI for the next version of Firefox - browsers are no longer innovating, they're just copying Google!


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