
One Moos and One Hums, but They Could Help Power Google

America’s dairy farmers could soon find themselves in the computer business, with the manure from their cows possibly powering the vast data centers of companies like Google and Microsoft. While not immediately intuitive, the idea plays on two trends: the building of computing centers in more rural locales, and dairy farmers’ efforts to deal with cattle waste by turning it into fuel.

With the right skills, a dairy farmer could rent out land and power to technology companies and recoup an investment in the waste-to-fuel systems within two years, Hewlett-Packard engineers say in a research paper to be made public on Wednesday.


10 HP Printer Problems and How to Troubleshoot Them

Read this post to learn about 10 HP printer problems and how to troubleshoot them. Follow all the steps carefully while solving the error for a smooth result.

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Meet Bard, a ChatGPT competitor from Google

One of the most exciting opportunities is how AI can deepen our understanding of information and turn it into valuable knowledge more efficiently.

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jackhilder529d ago

Amazing content share by "". The content is really helpfull for the user who are activly seraching for the new topics related to information technologies.

jackhilder529d ago

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jackhilder529d ago

Amazing content share The content is really helpfull for the user who are activly seraching for the new topics related to information technologies.

171d ago

Can Google Bard dethrone ChatGPT?

Google’s perception as an innovator is at risk.

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533d ago
532d ago
jackhilder529d ago

I really glad to find article on "". The information will really help user to increase their knoeledge. Keep it up.