
Florida Marlins Fire Latest Shot In The Jumbotron Wars

Call it keeping up with the Joneses, stadium style, but over the course of the last decade, ballparks have seen a stunning array of new video displays crop up. Whether it has been new Yankee Stadium’s 16 MM True HD LED display that measures 59 feet high by 101 feet wide, or the current granddaddy at the Royals’ Kauffman Stadium that measures a whopping 105 feet high by 84 feet wide, each year it seems MLB clubs have come up with a new case of “video display” envy.

The latest to jump into the fray is the Florida (soon to be Miami) Marlins.

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James Webb Space Telescope finds 'extremely red' supermassive black hole growing

The supermassive black hole is 40 million times as massive as the sun and powers a quasar that existed 700 million years after the Big Bang.


15 Tips & Settings to Get the Most Out of Vision Pro

Vision Pro is here and it’s a surprisingly capable device. Apple has also loaded the headset with a ton of options and features that aren’t obvious at first glance.

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Apple to Release Immersive Video Content of 2023 MLS Playoffs on Vision Pro

Apple announced that its Major League Soccer Season Pass (through Apple TV) will include new immersive video content covering the 2023 playoffs. Apple TV is the exclusive provider of online Major League Soccer broadcasts via the MLS Season Pass subscription.

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