
Pocket-Lint: Sunbelt Software VIPRE Antivirus Premium Review

Pocket-Lint: Sunbelt Software has been quietly plying a trade in a crowded market with its own form of antivirus and system security, the most recent of which is Antivirus Premium 4.0. Aimed at those who prefer a "set and forget" solution to being bogged down with streams of menus and notifications, it becomes obvious after the short install that it is sticking with this tried and tested approach.

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Samsung Laptop Keylogger caused by False Positive

It seems Samsung is not that evil after all, after it was confirmed that the keylogger discovered by NetworkWorld’s Mohamed Hassan was indeed a false positive caused by the an outdated heuristic in the VIPRE Antivirus program database.

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RonyDean4865d ago

People get to worried all the time over nothing.

Speed-Racer4865d ago

I wonder if the keylogger was some kind of April's Fools prank :P