
PCW Review: Palm Pre Plus

PCW: The Palm Pre Plus ($150 with a two-year contract from AT&T; price as of May 13, 2010) is really more of an update of the original Pre on Sprint than a completely new product.


Palm Pre Plus out of stock on Verizon and AT&T online

PreCentral: We're not sure if you can derive any information from this, but we've had several readers let us know that both Verizon Wireless online and AT&T online have been out of stock on the Palm Pre Plus for some time now. We'd sort of been assuming that we had a overstuffed channel on both carriers so seeing it out of stock since last week has been odd.

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Sprint Pre Plus hack detailed in step-by-step guide

Engadget: WebOS device hacking has reach some considerable heights recently with a mod to bring WiFi to a Sprint Palm Pixi, but it looks like even that's now been topped by this hack that finally brings the Pre Plus to Sprint.

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BlackBerry Torch vs Motorola Milestone vs Palm Pre Plus

Pocket-Lint: So, after months of speculation the BlackBerry Torch touchcreen slider has been launched along with the BlackBerry 6 OS software. This flagship RIM handset will no doubt capture the hearts of hardcore BlackBarians the world over, who will doubtless head straight out onto the intertubes and get their pre-order in. However, those closer to the mobile phone fence might be less sure if it’s the QWERTY phone for them.

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