
Supercharge Your Phone: 40 Tips and Tricks

PcWorld: Looking for an easy out from a lousy date? Feeling like a rat in a phone-tree maze? Wishing that someone could transcribe your voicemail messages and e-mail them to you? With this assortment of phone tips, tricks, and services, you'll be able to navigate your phone with MacGyver-like ingenuity.


Scientists Make Shake-to-Charge Cellphones a Real Possibility

Gizmodo: Need to make a call but run out of juice? Just give your cellphone a shake for an extra burst of power - that's the idea behind a new cellphone charger that turns movement into energy.


Third Rail's Powered iPhone Case is shockingly clever

The high-voltage third rail that runs next to a set of train tracks is, of course, something to be avoided. The Third Rail System for the iPhone 4, however, is to be welcomed.

This friendly breed of Third Rail combines a skin-tight phone case and a surprisingly light battery pack you attach to your phone when you need a recharge.

IronFist4724d ago

This is actually pretty cool, but i need it for the older model iphone.

fatstarr4721d ago

so its basically a spare battery for a phone that doesnt let you take out the battery. meh its alright tho


Brighthub: Samsung Infuse 4G Review

A first look, hands on review of the newly announced Samsung Infuse 4G, from the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show. Review covers the design, display, hardware, software, user interface and features of the upcoming smartphone.

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