
AT&T confirms ridiculous Palm Pre Plus Pricing

Icrontic.com writes: "AT&T has today officially provided details surrounding their launch of the Palm Pre Plus, and it isn’t pretty: $149.99 with two-year contract and a rebate."

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Popular Node.js Frameworks for developing Web Applications

Based on the current market trends, There is need to choose the best Node.js Web Application framework. Curious to know in detail about the Popular Node.js Frameworks? Let's read in detail...

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AT&T is placing data limits on HBO Max again

This comes after new net neutrality laws pass in California.

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PrimeVinister1226d ago

Ajit Pai has a lot to answer for.


AT&T's CEO predicts people will continue to cut cable out of their budget

AT&T’s CEO John Stankey said that he expects the pay-TV industry to soon hit a level of little or no growth. He predicts that it will plateau once the number of pay-TV subscribers falls somewhere between 55 and 60 million users.

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