
Firefox 4 Plans: Faster, Friendlier, More Secure

Mashable: "Almost one year ago we got a glimpse of the next major iteration of Firefox, or at least its gorgeous new visuals.

Now, however, Mozilla’s Mike Beltzner has shared a presentation that reveals quite detailed plans for Firefox 4. HTML5 and CSS support are mentioned, as well as faster operation, a greater focus on security and stability, new developer tools, and a lot of personalization options. Furthermore, from the screenshots embedded in the presentation, we can see that the visuals from one year ago haven’t changed much, although most menu items (the home button, for example) are positioned differently."

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Myst5190d ago

Hopefully more stable :| it may just be me, but Firefox was just horrid on a few past releases on my laptop. If this really can be achieved and still be stable then it will be downloaded back on the laptop.

Faztkiller5190d ago

I've not had any problems with the newer releases it's only froze up on me once and only for like 10sec then started back. In my experiences it been the fastest and most stable I've tried IE8 Chrome and Opera all crashed alot on me also I'm on Dial up if that makes any difference

klado5190d ago

Just you, it has become one of the most process-eater browser bloated of useless add-on everywhere for not to call it the heavier of them all...chrome is just winning the career for me lately, but firefox is just firefox, can't live without it.

Myst5190d ago

Okay good it's not just me. Yeah I've noticed Firefox has just become a thorn in the rear end as of late. Even after just doing a clean install of Vista I didn't even bother with Firefox again just went straight for Chrome. It seems reliable enough and hasn't crashed once thus far.


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