
No Funding? No Problem, How Occipital Shifted Gears to Success

ReadWriteWeb: "Last week during my stint at Boulder Startup Week, Occipital co-founder Vikas Reddy was gracious enough to let me stay with him rather than in a hotel. Oddly enough it wasn't until one of the late night mixers a few days into the event that I got a chance to talk with Reddy about Occipital and the company's history and evolution. As it turns out, barcode scanning, which the company is now well known for with its RedLaser application, was not their original plan, but rather a pivot made to take the company in a more profitable direction."

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VR Headset The Bridge Brings VR To iPhone

Startup Occipital hopes to bring a better class of mobile VR to iPhone users.


Occipital Launches Wireless Tracking Platform For VR Headsets

Occipital introduce low-cost inside-out tracking platform for all-in-one VR headsets.