
Translate text on pictures with updated Google Goggles App

Google has updated their Goggles application to include a translation tool. With the Goggles app, a person can take a picture of foreign text in one language and convert it to another.

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Speed-Racer5193d ago

I forecast that either:

1) Languages may never be taught in school again
2) The world may end up speaking one language

...these tools are quickly getting very accurate and the uses are far reaching outside the "computer" box.

Captain Tuttle5193d ago (Edited 5193d ago )

Interesting point about "one language". With a "universal translator" type device I'd imagine that different languages will thrive rather than stagnate. Speaking one's language would become a source of pride, a part of cultural identity. A language already is that to a great extent (see Quebec and the French language rules) and I think that this kind of device would only increase that kind of stuff. The machine would do the work allowing for the "purity" of the language to remain.

Very cool and some interesting social ramifications are possible.


Google Camera App Will Get an All New Feature: 'Goggles'

Google Goggles is being integrated into the company’s official camera app to make it easier to search for information by taking pictures

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The First 6 People Who’ll Get Google Glass

Gizmodo- Google's finally starting to reveal the winners of its #ifihadglass promotion, and surprise! You're not one of them. Not yet, anyway, unless you happen to be one of the following six golden ticket recipients.

evil_element4139d ago

The marketing begins for google glasses -_-

Speed-Racer4139d ago

I'm hoping more law makers ban these glasses. Not sure if I'm ready to give up my privacy just yet.