
Astronaut Chris Hadfield says we could have gone to Mars decades ago — here's why we haven't

Chris Hadfield, a former astronaut, says the rocket and spaceship technology could have been created decades ago to send people to and from Mars — but at extraordinary risk of death. He thinks we need some possibly "outlandish" solutions to make travel to the red planet safe and practical.

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2357d ago Replies(1)
1nsomniac2357d ago

Yet they’ve also publicly admitted that It’s still not possible to pass through the Van Allen Belt due to the power of the radiation... the Van Allen Belt being in earths orbit.

Father Murder X2357d ago

That is why I have some doubts as to whether or not we actually went to the moon. We just have made more progress if we made it to the moon nearly 50 years ago. I also question if the technology was even there 50 years ago. I want to believe but my common sense just will not allow me too. Why haven't we been back in over 40 years?

2357d ago

YouTube Calls Out OpenAI for Alleged Sora Training Terms Breach

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