
Cell Phone 5G Speeds to Speed up Due to Sprint T-Mobile Merger

Carl Williams writes, "It is just another day in business in today’s world to see a couple of multi-billion-dollar companies merge to become one mega corporation. That is exactly what is going on with Sprint and T-Mobile who have just announced a merger. This is something that has been rumored, and even discussed by the parties, but had not quite come to fruition just yet. Now it has."

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demonicale2276d ago

Correct, but for where i'm from (UK) I think i'll be waiting a while.

Speed-Racer2279d ago

Some how I don;t think this is good given that there are less carriers to compete with...a.k.a. someone's gonna get lazy.

s45gr322278d ago

This is terrible, is this the end of a perfect competition 😥


Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

Samsung's Galaxy S25 is set to elevate Google AI integration, extending to hardware depths.

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NASA radar images show stadium-sized asteroid tumbling by Earth during flyby

The asteroid zoomed by Earth at a perfectly safe distance of around 1.8 million miles (2.9 kilometers).


Odysseus mission to be cut short after moon lander's sideways touchdown

Engineers expect to lose contact with the private US moon lander Odysseus on Tuesday, cutting short the mission after its sideways touchdown last week.

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