
What is Artificial Intelligence Exactly?

Artificial Intelligence is the concept of giving machines the ability to think intelligently in a manner similar to that of human intelligence. Before understanding how we can implement human like intelligence on a machine, we first need to answer a very important question. What is intelligence? Interestingly, there is no definitive answer to this question. Defining intelligence has troubled humanity for centuries.

KingPin2716d ago

its like human stupidity.....only way smarter. thats why people are worried about it taking over. :P

Cobra9512716d ago

Not way smarter, but way faster. In a nightmare scenario, by the time we think through the phrase, "oh no, this thing is learning how to break out of the box", the AI has gone from infancy to adulthood. By the time we think through "what can we do about it?", it has broken out, and set a process in motion that we'll always be too slow to get ahead of.

gdemos012715d ago

This is true. That's why we need to prepare a backup plan before giving machines actual intelligence

level 3602716d ago

A.I. is only as good as the people who created them.
It's the repercussions that they really need to think more importantly.

Cobra9512716d ago

Is a calculator only as good at math as the people who created it?

dcbronco2715d ago

As long as we realize computers will eventually come to the conclusion that humans need to go.

dcbronco2715d ago

Level the AIs being developed now are programmed to learn. They don't have to be taught everything. The whole point is to get them to figure out things we take too long to or even might never have. Humans, imo, mostly think on one level see things from one perspective. People like Einstein are exceptions. Often people already know the solution to a problem but they only think according to the given situation. There is sometimes something else they do that parallels the issue but they don't know how to zoom out and see the problem at it's core. A machine breaks things down to their essence.

For instance, have you ever had the problem where you lose the nuts changing a tire in class? The simple solution is taking a nut from each of the other tires. If you needed a light bulb for a lamp you wouldn't hesitate to look at other fixtures with.multiple bulbs. Most people never think about the other tires, they call for help.

gdemos012715d ago

Most humans are programmed to think serially and have "guess like" problem solving abilities. I don't think that we, as humans, solve problems only from one perspective but experiment in looking problems from different angles all the time. It is true though, that machines are able to "zoom out", see all the data and recognize patterns that give them knowledge that humans could never acquire by themselves.

dcbronco2715d ago

The reason I believe humans, and I mean the average person, looks at things from one perspective is because humans have bias and habit. We have peer pressure and kind of drone through life just doing what we've done or what everyone else is doing. We don't apply new information that often and become old dogs incapable of new tricks.

With computers it's "Just the facts ma'am".

There's also memory. The computer will remember all of the other scenarios and apply. Humans most likely won't remember the other items. Humans have so many emotions and prejudices that make them "stupid" in their decision making.

Huge example. Americans allowed "patriotism" and revenge to justify a war against Iraq that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in response to the killing of 2,700 innocent people despite the fact that Iraq had nothing to do with the killing of the original 2,700. A country founded on freedom allowed it's government to pass the patriot act that effectively removed all of the things that made the country unique. And Americans actually believe killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in wars will prevent terrorism even though the reason we're at war was because 2,700 innocent people were killed. And the hundreds of thousands are in a region that is pretty much always at war for reasons that go back centuries. Talk about not seeing the whole picture.

gdemos012715d ago

Not really. The whole point is to create machines that are able to conceptualize the world by themselves. We don't want to "give them" the intelligence. We want to make it possible that the machines can acquire intelligence by themselves.


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