
How Soon Will We Need to Worry About a Robot Tax?

Manufacturing, transportation, and even customer service industries stand to lose jobs to automation in the near future. Amid this coming change in the way we live and work, industry leaders are fiercely debating how we can adjust public policy to adapt to this unprecedented way of doing business.

KingPin2921d ago

i dont understand robot tax. companies only replace actual working staff with robots if its more cost effective long term for a company, or if the staff is lazy and under-producing. Do humans want job security? if a robot can do your job, clearly your job isn't as great or skilled as you think it is.

i mean looking at the advancements of AI and such, it wont be long before everyones jobs can be done with computers/robots. even manually entering data from hard copies will be automated at some point.

also, at what point do you charge a tax for robots? i mean how many human jobs must that robot replace before a tax is justified? technically a PC is a robot and with the advancements is Accounting/Auditingsoftware, staff sizes have drastically decreased compared to 50s/60s/70s. i mean even banks have less tellers now than in the past due to internet banking. should banks pay tax on each ATM machine, because technically they could have one human guy at each ATM serving clients?

Cobra9512920d ago (Edited 2920d ago )

What do you find hard to understand? You now have human beings earning wages to do a job, and paying income tax on those wages. When they get replaced by machines, that tax revenue will be lost, because (so far) machines doing the jobs formerly done by humans don't pay taxes. The corporation relying on the protections and infrastructure of its host country needs to prevent the gutting of this tax base. One way to do that is to pay the human-equivalent taxes per robot.

KingPin2920d ago

no i understand that, but if a company is using robots to increase productivity, and in turn increasing profits, that would automatically mean that corporate tax will be more as well. so indirectly, the tax revenue doesnt really slow down a whole lot. its not like it goes from something to nothing overnight, its just that taxes will come in a different form. less income tax but more corporate tax.


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