
AMD Ryzen R7 1800X Review: An i5 in Gaming, i7 in Production | GamersNexus

GamersNexus: "In this ~11,000 word review of AMD’s Ryzen R7 1800X, we’ll look at FPS benchmarking, Premiere & Blender workloads, thermals and voltage, and logistical challenges."

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KingPin2929d ago

reading reviews and performance benchmarks, it seems that the 1800X isn't exactly king of the hill and doesn't obliterate its competition in straight up performance but what it does at its specific price point is special indeed.
With regards to gaming and video processing, the new AMD may not be the best in either but you certainly get pretty great in both. if that makes sense.

Definitely going to put one of these in my new build. only complication is do i go full AMD with an RX480 or jump to a nvidia 1060? even AMD in all their demos used Nvidia graphic cards so that says something along the lines of "ours arent as good with these processors as our competitors." not really good advertising.

BenqMagician2929d ago

The strange thing is the higher the resolution of a game the better the performance of the ryzen processors. Also at the higher resolutions ryzen is really close too intel.

BenqMagician2929d ago

I would like too add past games before ryzen when u look at the specs needed too run a game from amd it was the FX processors so it's unfair in my eyes to say I5 performance because games are not optimized for them yet.

BenqMagician2929d ago

"AMD in all their demos used Nvidia graphic cards so that says something along the lines of "ours arent as good with these processors as our competitors." not really good advertising." Well the reason is because AMD currently doesn't sell a card equivalent too a 1080 YET but they will this YEAR.


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