
Amazon just released 50 new Dash buttons bringing the total up to 250

Previously Amazon Dash Buttons were only limited to 50 brands. But today, Amazon’s expanding its collection to 250+ brands.

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KnowTechie2795d ago

I actually got a few of these when they were first released. Nothing groundbreaking but it's convenient.

Lazyeye792794d ago

These are convenient, but they are just a method to distant the consumer to how much they are actually paying for a product. I know that you get a notification before the order goes through, but these are still meant to keep you from realizing how much money you are spending.

Soldierone2793d ago

If Amazon is eating the cost then it'd be stupid for companies to not get in on it.

2792d ago

Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

Samsung's Galaxy S25 is set to elevate Google AI integration, extending to hardware depths.

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Why Crypto Idealogues Won’t Touch Bitcoin ETFs

The arrival of spot bitcoin ETFs in the US offers easy access to the masses. Purists will steer clear.

hempinindia197d ago

Many different kinds of oils are there in the market, and one such amazing oil is Hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is the best because of its many nutritional value and other benefits. It also has medical and cosmetic benefits to it. A hemp plant is used to make the oil, which is pressed to extract it. The oil helps in improving your health. If you want to live longer and healthier, you must consider hemp seeds oil. The oil has a lot of proteins necessary for your body. It also has essential nutrients and amino acids. Hemp seed can be taken as a multi-purpose ingredient for your body. visit our website

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Apple to Release Immersive Video Content of 2023 MLS Playoffs on Vision Pro

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