
New Patents Show that Samsung's Engineers are continually trying to reinvent the Smartwatch

This month two Samsung patent applications came to light at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office regarding possible future wearable devices. One invention covers a wide-band display smartwatch that's been a work in progress since 2013. Consumers in general haven't been so keen on smartwatches that look like traditional watches with tiny displays. The shift to a truly large wraparound display on a user's wrist could be the way to change gears and shake up the market. The other invention is a twist on a more traditional smartwatch-bracelet wherein the band or bands of this watch design could be stretched in different directions and by doing so triggers the display to change to different user interfaces for music, fitness, health, messages and so forth.

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Deadpooled2766d ago

The first one looks like a great idea, the second stretch one looks like a gimmick

vegnadragon2765d ago

It ts hard to predict what actually sells, sometimes you gotta shoot till it sticks. I swear that the iPad and other tablets, wouldn't be a success since we had laptop and phones, why would we need something in between, but lone and behold I was wrong.


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