
Researchers Build World’s First 1,000-core Processor

NRM: Here we regular humans are, bragging about processors ranging from 6-12 cores. But researchers at UC Davis have blown that out the water by developing the KiloCore – a CPU that (as the name suggests) packs 1,000 cores of punch!

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2957d ago
MagicBeanz2958d ago

And then they proceeded to download giga gags of porn.

CabbitXP2957d ago

The bit coin mining potential...

thisismyaccount2957d ago

And each of the cores running at 1.337 Mhz, rite ;)


Someone call Seagate, WD just undercut its rival with this Amazon Gaming Week 1TB SSD deal

If you're looking to expand the storage on your Xbox Series X|S, this WD_Black 1TB SSD is your best bet now that its price is at a low point.


Sineaptic SE-1 Wireless Headphones review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "The Sineaptic SE-1 is quite a remarkable headphone. It's an amazing first product from a new company. It does some unusual things like offering Bluetooth and 3.5mm inputs in an audiophile headphone. It offers an incredibly unique driver design at an amazingly low price. Its build quality is fine, but not spectacular, as long as you get one with no production issues."

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The New Sonos Move 2 Brings Portability With Fun

Four years later and Sonos introduces a new portable speaker, the Move 2, bringing original innovation.

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295d ago