
Microsoft to acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 billion

Microsoft is announcing today that it plans to acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 billion. Microsoft’s deal to acquire the work-focused social networking giant is an all-cash transaction.

Note: MS Blog is misbehaving with TechSpy on submission for some reason, click Credit URL to go directly to Microsoft's announcement.

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gizmig2965d ago

It is indeed the biggest move in the internet history for Microsoft.

proudly_X2965d ago

Didn't see this coming.. Let see what happens next, there is a major silent restructuring happening in Microsoft IMO

gizmig2965d ago

They must have bigger plans for converting vast amount of professional data Linkedin have.

-Mezzo-2965d ago

Yup, didn't expect this as well, for all i thought it was doing good and had good income.

But selling doesn't always mean that you're doing bad.

007Tech2965d ago

looks like...mivrosoft is xpanding their business

garrettbobbyferguson2963d ago

Maybe now I'll have a better chance of getting a job through linkedin.


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