
When Will China's 'Heavenly Palace' Space Lab Fall Back to Earth?

A Chinese space lab is bound to come back to Earth soon, but when and where this happens is a matter of debate and speculation.

sonicwrecks2875d ago

Let's hope they figure it out pretty darn quick. We've seen what space debris can do. Although haven't they launched that satellite grabber? They could use that of course to do something about it.

007Tech2874d ago

china always used to make defective pieces...

garrettbobbyferguson2874d ago

"For example, some satellite trackers think China may have lost control of the uncrewed 8-ton (7.3 metric tons) vehicle"

That wouldn't be good at all.

gizmig2874d ago

Well if they do have seriously lost the control over it then it will be I guess a danger for all the countries for space travel.

ProjectVulcan2874d ago (Edited 2874d ago )

It sounds bad but 7 tonnes won't be too much by the time it gets through the atmosphere, probably less than half this of various debris might survive re-entry.

Skylab was 10 times the mass and managed not to kill anyone. It more than likely whatever is left will end up in the water especially if they do still have a little control, with a slim chance of going anywhere populated if they don't. One thing is for sure, it's better coming down than staying up there dead. There is enough space junk already.


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