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Dyson Airblades actually spread germs 1,300 times more that paper towels

According to a recent study conducted by the University of Westminster, they found that rapid dryers such as the Dyson Airblade actually spreads germs over much greater distances as compared to traditional hand dryers and paper towels.

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cyclindk2938d ago

I thought they were mostly for saving paper.

frjoethesecond2937d ago

You'll never beat those towel
dispenser things that pull back into themselves for washing after use.

WizzroSupreme2937d ago

That rapid dryers should be able to spread germs by literally blowing them off your hand into the air is probable, but I imagine that dryers that face down than up are better at containing the germs to one place in the restroom as opposed to dispensing them across the room. That could make a difference.

Codewow2937d ago

You mean dispensing them right onto your pants and shoes?

NarooN2937d ago

Have known about this for quite a while. It's why I never use those things when going to the movie theaters.

Artemidorus2937d ago

So you sit back down and eat popcorn afterwards?

NarooN2937d ago

No, I just wash my hands and dry them with conventional paper towels. If there are no towels available, I just let my hands dry naturally. Sometimes my friends and I would bring our own towels to dry our hands for that reason.

Also, lol @ theater popcorn.

b163o12937d ago

LMFAO (e_e)...

fr0sty2937d ago

You act like using these will expose you to more germs, which isn't true. They might blow the water (and any germs in it) all over the floor, but I doubt you run around the floor of the drying wiping your hands across the surface after you finish blowdrying your hands, so you still get exposed to fewer germs with towels.

Speed-Racer2937d ago

If there are people nearby, there's that risk of exposing them to germs. 3 meters is pretty far as well.

NarooN2937d ago

The point is that they can push the germs to others, and others can do it to you. It's blatantly obvious they won't reciprocate the germs to the one already using it.

fr0sty2936d ago

But the water sprays down, away from people and especially their hands, so still highly unlikely.

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