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GDC 2016: Manus VR Builds a Glove Controller for HTC Vive [VIDEO]

Maximum PC: A company called Manus VR has built what it claims is the first consumer glove specifically designed for virtual reality. We caught up with Manus VR at GDC to talk more about its glove and what makes it so special compared to the Vive's existing controllers.

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Sahil3195d ago

Combine this with a dummy that has sensors on it and you can make a realistic boxing simulator with actual tactile feedback. Set the dummy in front of you and box away.


The Best VR Deals (June 2023)

Looking for a great discount on your next virtual reality purchase? Here are the best VR deals for June 2023.

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The Best VR Deals (May 2023)

Looking for a great discount on your next virtual reality purchase? Here are the Best VR Deals for May 2023.

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Could Meta's Quest Gaming Showcase Steal Apple's WWDC Thunder?

Could Meta's Quest Gaming Showcase steal Apple's WWDC thunder? The showcase is expected to be Meta's 'biggest celebration' of Quest content.

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