
Truthers Think Gravity Waves Are a Hoax to Convince Us the World Is Round

Not one week after physicists confirmed the existence of gravitational waves, the conspiracy theorists are out in force, shouting to the heavens that the “breakthrough” was a lie invented by fame-hungry scientists, supported by money-hungry institutions, and regurgitated by the traffic-hungry news media.

Software_Lover3302d ago

What? People think the Earth is not round?

Dasteru3302d ago

Yeah, supposedly they now think it is square. My dog has more functioning brain cells than these air heads.

coolbeans3300d ago (Edited 3300d ago )

Unfortunately, there are those who believe in the Flat Earth Theory--in a not satirical way, mind you.

One recent example was of a rapper named B.o.B., who was called out by Neil Degrasse Tyson online.



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283d ago