
Vaio Near Deal With Toshiba, Fujitsu to Form Japan PC Giant

Bloomberg: Vaio Corp., the personal computer maker spun off from Sony Corp. in 2014, is closing in on a three-way merger with rivals to create a producer that can dominate Japan and weather a shrinking global PC market.

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sonicwrecks3082d ago

MPCTips: Always submitting interesting stuff. Always submitting properly.


Fujitsu Announces New Enterprise Scanner FI-8000

This is a very sleek looking unit., Fujitsu Computer Products of America, the leader in imaging solutions, today announced the Fujitsu fi-8000 series of enterprise scanners.


Power outage causes Toshiba and Western Digital to lose 6 exabytes of NAND

Power outage causes Toshiba and Western Digital to lose 6 exabytes of NAND Offered the present oversupply of the NAND market,

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Codewow1851d ago (Edited 1851d ago )

Easily on purpose given the fact that prices were hitting such low prices. Tech companies have been known to do similar things to bump prices back up.


VAIO Is Making A Comeback With Two New Laptops

VAIO is back! Two new laptops for the busy modern person.

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Vanakka2168d ago

Vaio were pretty garbage before thats why sony sold them, dont see this as anything good.

Spartacus102168d ago

Just remember to take a couple of days off work to uninstall all the bloatware.