
Alien Atmospheres: The Search for Signs of Life

The search for signs of life beyond the solar system is kicking into a higher gear.

RetrospectRealm3090d ago

I would doubt this initially, but seeing how we have progressed from the 90s to now, it's definitely possible we could make some CRAZY discoveries regarding life on other planets, or even Earth 2.0.

proudly_X3090d ago

Spent trillions already and its the same story..

Assumptions will always fail in the emergence of realities.


That's an assumption and always be that. If they existed they would have been founded yet but no sign of their existence.

RetrospectRealm3090d ago

The universe is infinite. No way does not finding them mean there is nothing out there.


Yes their is nothing out their. Is their a single proof that aliens exists?

RetrospectRealm3090d ago

Is there proof they don't exist? You seem to be really underestimating how big the universe is.


Possibilities needs proof and their isn't any proof that they exist. And I know that universe is infinite and i am not underestimating that.

RetrospectRealm3090d ago

Then why are you against the possibility that there is life out there besides us?


If their is life behind us they might be trying to search us we are trying to but their isn't any try from them and contradiction is just an assumption nothing else than that.

RetrospectRealm3089d ago

I can literally say the same thing about what you're saying.

The universe is too big to assume there is nothing out like similar to us. Maybe it's cause you're assuming 'aliens' means some Independence Day stuff, but that's not necessarily what it means.

Stringerbell3089d ago

Exactly. Simple single cell organisms first, at least in our own galaxy. And maybe if we're unlucky Xenomorphs way down the road =p

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Stringerbell3089d ago (Edited 3089d ago )

Wait till we get to Europa I think the possibility of microbial life is a high possibility there. As for the we come in peace variety that's only a matter of time too. The universe is infinite. Mankind hasn't even been seriously exploring space that long anyway. And if you want to get crazy life could in theory exist on planes we aren't even aware of yet.


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