
Here’s an insanely discounted USB battery pack that can also jump start you car

By now, you probably have a USB battery pack or two to keep your phones and gadgets charged, and that’s great! But we’re willing to bet most of them won’t start your car if its battery dies, and that sucks.

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madmonkey013273d ago

it would have to be a very small car to jump start with 12 amps.

Tsuru3273d ago

Its not 12 amps. Its 12v. The car jumper port puts out 400 amps.

"Super Battery
A monstrous 12,000mAh lithium battery provides more than enough power, while the 400amp boost gives your car a hair-raising charge. Compatible with 12V batteries and gasoline engines smaller than 5000 cc, the jump starter battery kick starts your vehicle anytime you need it.