
The Solar Sunflower: Harnessing the power of 5,000 suns

High on a hill was a lonely sunflower. Not a normal sunflower, mind you; that would hardly be very notable. This sunflower is a solar sunflower that combines both photovoltaic solar power and concentrated solar thermal power in one neat, aesthetic package that has a massive total efficiency of around 80 percent.

The Solar Sunflower, a Swiss invention developed by Airlight Energy, Dsolar (a subsidiary of Airlight), and IBM Research in Zurich, uses something called HCPVT to generate electricity and hot water from solar power.

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Silicon carbide inverter could improve the economics of solar power

Silicon carbide can help convert direct current into alternating current with less energy consumption than existing inverters, improving the economics of solar power.

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Tesla and Australia will turn 50,000 homes into a virtual solar power plant

South Australia has once again teamed up with Tesla for a solution to their energy needs, this time to create a network of houses installed with solar power panels and batteries to create a renewable power grid.


Solar energy prices continue to plunge while coal prices climb higher

Solar power is taking root.

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