
The Apple Watch is a flop

While there may be claims that Apple makes quality products as compared to other mobile competitors, Apple is now learning that anything they produce won't necessarily be a hit.

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eferreira3468d ago

Um It outsold all other android watches combined and that's a flop? This is more of an accessory, obviously it won't sell as much as their other products.

Speed-Racer3468d ago (Edited 3468d ago )

Don't kid yourself. The only reason their numbers look good would be as a result of the massive number of pre-orders. No one knew how useful the Watch would be but still bought it it because it said 'Apple' on the back. You should check eBay and you'll realize how many people are trying to ditch their Apple Watch.

If you look at the numbers only, then fine, it's a success, however it still doesn't justify it being a glorious product as many Apple fans promote it to be.

Gondee3468d ago

Ebay Apple watch prices are above their store prices... Common sense tells us that this means people are profiteering.

eferreira3468d ago

lol so salty, enjoy your android products while others enjoy what they prefer. You fanboys get so upset over stuff that has nothing to do with you.

When you get real responsibilities you'll understand what's important. If you're actually a grown adult right now, Get a life.

Speed-Racer3468d ago

Don't worry about me. My Android handles any situation with ease under any type of pressure. No need to get so personal. The trends speak for themselves.

Baka-akaB3468d ago (Edited 3468d ago )

And ? it still mean people mindlessly bought it . That the next time they'll have to deliver a much better product is another matter and doesnt make it a flop so far .

Apple Watch still crushed sales of far less expensive smart bands , and actually had supply issues for a long while . It means that 350 to 1000$ watchs are actually beating 60 to 200 dollars ones , and of course the other higher prices watches . pretty much only FitBit stuff held up and stayed above .

Every other smartwatch vendor has seen their already anemic sales actually collapse, without ever having achieved a strong launch to start with , like the Apple Watch . Most ananlysts allude to the thing meeting or exceeding the goals internationally , and the estimated fiscal year sales

PS : I'm not even defending it , i dont understand the watch especially with that lousy battery and heavy reliance on owning an iphone , its purpose and usefulness other than many people just flaunting a "cool" device around .

Dannylew3468d ago (Edited 3468d ago )

this device have to priced lower than 150...

499 it's really to much.. even for apple.

Audiggity3468d ago

Listening to people defend the Apple watch is painful... they produce over-priced hardware with extremely rigid/limiting software.

"It just works" is not normally true. It doesn't just work. I've seen a plethora of Apple cult members sit me down to show me something cool (normally it's a feature that everyone already has that's been renamed by Apple) only to see it not work right.

Just the other day I was helping someone tether their iPhone to their MacBook pro, in the instructions provided by Apple there were 3 options - the final option was to simply plugin the iPhone to the MacBook via USB and "it just works!"... it did not work at all.

Had to install a 3rd party patch to use my Android for tethering.

Many of their products should've been flops, the Watch is only the first one that allowed their cult (errrr... fan?) base see through the blinders.

Hopefully this forces them to release a product as innovative as the iPod was (something I'll certainly give them full credit for). Otherwise, they could be facing a downslope as people realize that a premium price tag on a device that only looks cool is rarely worth it.

Function > Form... unless Apple's marketing/design team gets their hands on it!

mixelon3468d ago

You have a very different set of experiences to the millions of happy Mac/iOS users out there.

That's not to say anything is better than anything else.. But don't be glib, both Windows AND osX "just work" 99% of the time.

Audiggity3467d ago

I agree to be honest. Windows OS could be far more effective/stable, but, there's at least flexibility with it. When it isn't working the way you want it to, you can usually "bend" Windows to your will via advanced settings and 3rd party fixes. osX is limited when it comes to customization like that.

I shouldn't have thread jacked and gone on an Apple rant... My observations are seemingly skewed :)

GiroSoul3468d ago

Well this shows that Apple is lifestyle than people are choosing, they don't really care about the product but more about having apple as a brand to show off.Don't really care about the price-tag either it seems.
I wonder if Apple was called Pear would it still be this successful.

just my opinion by the way.

Gondee3468d ago

Think long term. The Apple watch is defining what it means to be a wearable. Style/fashion/branding all will be major bullets for the market. Heres what will happen, as per every other time Apple introduces untested tech.

Watch introduction, only decent market penetration for sales, but extremely broad knowledge and marketing.

Cheap knockoffs swing into action, ramping up sales, expanding the market.

Customers burned by their junk first smart watch look to what is marketed as the front runner of wearables. Apple.

Apple captures/stabilizes at 20-30% market share, but 80+% of the entire markets profit (as with Smart phones)

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