
2.15 Million People Still Pay AOL For Internet Access

Every so often, Consumerist likes to check in with AOL, our ’90s onramp to the information superhighway that somehow still exists and has been working to remake itself as a media company. While sites like the Huffington Post and TechCrunch bring hundreds of millions of people to ad-supported stories and videos, AOL still makes tens of millions of dollars from their classic business model of collecting subscription fees for Internet access.

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Stringerbell3363d ago

Indeed. I cant even remember the last time one of their free trail disks showed up in the mail.

FlameBaitGod3363d ago

I remember their mall booths LOL!..... I feel old :'(!

Nilla_Nate3363d ago

You see these people everyday and don't know it...

ChrisW3363d ago

The only good thing I got out of AOL was those free CD cases I used for my photo CDs. The AOL installation discs, of course, were promptly thrown away.

Summons753362d ago

Thrown away, such a waste when they made perfectly good coaster :)

Double_O_Revan3362d ago

I used them as frisbees......at concrete walls. They explodes beautifully!

hesido3363d ago

Best business ever (75% of its users are not even using it for accessing the internet, according to the article)

s45gr323362d ago

That's what shocked me the most

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Verizon again sold Internet pioneer Yahoo and AOL for $5 billion

Internet pioneers Yahoo and AOL are changing hands yet again as Verizon is selling its Verizon Media branch for about $5 billion

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RYOT Lab Launched by AOL to Create AR/VR Branded Content

One of the lab's first projects is for Time Inc and Sports Illustrated.


RYOT and AOL Partner With ELLE for AR November Issue

Next week's November issue of ELLE will now feature AR.