
Gordon Moore Predicts 10 More Years for Moore's Law

PCMag: The man who originated Moore's Law believes the steady shrinking of computer chip circuitry will continue on for at least five to 10 years. Intel co-founder Gordon Moore was the guest of honor at a San Francisco celebration of the 50th anniversary of his 1965 prediction that the number of elements crammed onto an standard-sized integrated circuit (IC) would double every year for at least 10 years. He revised that observation in 1975 to predict that computer chip circuitry would double in complexity every two years.


The chips are down for Moore’s law

The semiconductor industry will soon abandon its pursuit of Moore's law. Now things could get a lot more interesting.
Next month, the worldwide semiconductor industry will formally acknowledge what has become increasingly obvious to everyone involved: Moore's law, the principle that has powered the information-technology revolution since the 1960s, is nearing its end.


A Deeper law than Moore's?

The energy efficiency of computing is doubling every 18 months

In 1965 Gordon Moore, a co-founder of Intel, first observed that integrated circuits, better known as silicon chips, seemed to conform to a predictable law: since their invention in 1958, the density of components in each chip had doubled each year, and this trend was, he suggested, likely to continue for at least a decade.

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