
Two months after launch, Android 5.1 finally hits Google’s flagship tablet

Finally, the entire current Nexus line has been updated to the latest version of Android. Today Google announced the Nexus 9 would be getting the 5.1.1 update (the tweet says 5.1, but the G+ page says 5.1.1), almost two months after it hit the Nexus 6.

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Nexus 9 LTE is receiving official Android 7.0 Nougat with September 6th security patch

Like the Nexus 6, the Nexus 9 LTE didn't receive Nougat when most other Google devices did; however, since the Nexus 9 LTE sold significantly fewer units than the Nexus 6, there wasn't much outcry. Not too long after that, Google told us that updates for both devices would be arriving "in the coming weeks." Two days ago, the Nexus 6 finally got the update to Android 7.0 Nougat, and now, the LTE-equipped Nexus 9 is also receiving it.

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Remix OS 2.0 now available for Nexus 9 and 10, brings multi-window & other features from PC version

In its next major release this summer, Android will finally add a multi-window mode for both tablets and phones. Jide is beating Google to release today with a fully featured version of Remix OS 2.0 for its Ultratablet and the Nexus 9 and 10. ROMs for the two Nexus tablets are available to download now.

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Moto X 2014 Android 5.1 Lollipop bugs and issues still there

The Moto X 2014 Android 5.1 Lollipop update is behaving nicely, but there are still some bugs that will need fixing soon enough.

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pressjudge3359d ago

I think they will never be able to fix the battery drain issue. I am hoping on each update to fix the problem.

Minimoth3359d ago

Most of the remaining bugs will probably only be fixed in 5.2 or later.