
How 'digital natives' are killing the 'sage on the stage'

The idea that teachers should teach and students should listen presumes that teachers know more than their students.

While this was generally true back when textbooks where a rarity, and may have been partly true since the invention of the public library, it is most likely untrue for at least many students in this era of the "active learner" (AKA "digital natives").

thorstein3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

All this article proves is that you have no idea about which you speak. Pedagogy has changed. It changed decades ago. Welcome to 1990.

Stick to physics. The ignorance displayed by this article is further evidenced by the companion article about Wikipedia use.


ZoyosJD3365d ago

Many academic institutions are far from fully embracing all the modern changes that one might expect.

Furthermore, billions are spent yearly to support classically styled teaching.

To even say we are at par would be oblivious to current standards.

thorstein3364d ago

I don't know what you do for a living. I imagine it is outside my area of expertise. Please understand that I would not dare to spout off about what you do if I were ignorant of what your profession entails.

That is called Dunning Kruger.

Please understand that you don't know much about the education profession. I am not trolling you. In fact, quite the opposite. I am asking you to have some humility about one of the most talked about professions.

As this article proves, it is mostly talked about by people who have no idea of what they are talking about. Unfortunately, this poorly researched article is from the The Conversation and not Phys.org. Phys just reprinted the article.

As a professional from this profession, I can tell you that all I hear from people who are incapable of doing what I do on a daily basis is how to do my job better, how we are failing at it, and how they know how to do it better.

Understand that none of these talking heads could last a day where I teach, that there is more to teaching than memorize and regurgitate, and that the phrase "sage on a stage" has been outdated since the early 1990s.

Everything you say here, I have heard before, by plenty of (possibly well meaning) naive people. They will even claim all sorts of bizarre claims about education because they "heard it on the internet" or "heard it on the news." My favorite is when they argue about how politicians can't possibly be trusted until lo, they talk about ed. lulz

ZoyosJD3363d ago

"Please understand that you don't know much about the education profession."

That is called jumping to conclusions bias.


"none of these talking heads could last a day where I teach"

"My favorite is when they argue about how politicians can't possibly be trusted until lo, they talk about ed"

These are straw man arguments.


The article, while lacking is not necessarily wrong particularly in my experience.

If I had to say something about the education system my number one point would be the tenure of professors that no longer meet standards.

If you really wanted to make a point I would suggest collaborating with others in your field to discuss the shortcomings of current standards rather than prodding at "people who are incapable of doing what I do on a daily basis".

How about discussing education with the other side of the coin; the millions of students who are directly impacted by education.

Don't end on "Lulz" if you are aiming to come across as "a professional from this profession".


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