
Project Morpheus: The Ultimate Guide to PS4’s VR Headset

WIPS4 has put together the definitive guide to Project Morpheus.

It contains everything you need to know about Project Morpheus and more.

Four Chapters at nearly 10,000 words containing everything from the history of virtual reality and gaming to a summary of Project Morpheus hands-on impressions from top tech and gaming websites in the industry.

If you're looking to learn more about Sony's upcoming VR headset then you need to check this out as this is the best Project Morpheus resource on the internet.

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Soldierone3376d ago

Being honest, at this point I like the tech and don't really want to hear more about the headset. Sony normally makes good tech, their downfall is support.

I want to hear about games and experiences from this beyond their little tech demo style games they show off every time this thing makes an appearance. In that field we have heard very little.

IraqCombatVet3376d ago

I agree. Hoping we get to see what they have in store for Morpheus at E3.

I want to know what games (not demos) we'll be seeing in the near future.


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