
There's an Android bot peeing on an Apple logo on Google Maps

Seems like everything these days is just one big pissing match, especially when it comes to Android and iOS. With the flood of Apple Watch headlines in the past couple of weeks, it’s no surprise to see Android fanboys sitting in the corner pouting and stomping their feet like big, stupid babies.

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KnowTechie3381d ago

And google took it down already. However, pictures live on forever.

SilentNegotiator3379d ago

Should have made it a parody of the "Calvin peeing on ___" images.

Sahil3375d ago

This is great banter from Google, it really is.


Google Maps now lets you see 3D aerial views of famous landmarks

These features are currently available or coming to your Android or iOS device in the next few weeks.

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Google Maps can now estimate how much you’ll pay in tolls

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Google Maps Street View now lets you revisit the past on mobile

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