
Google publishes third Windows 0-day vulnerability in a month

PCWorld: Google ignored Microsoft’s calls for flexible vulnerability disclosure deadlines and released details of another unpatched Windows flaw, leaving users exposed for at least the next 25 days. The new vulnerability, which was confirmed on Windows 7 and 8.1, might constitute a security feature bypass for the way applications can encrypt their memory so that data can be exchanged between processes running under the same logon session.

Software_Lover3437d ago

Google is really being a ***** right now. Let Microsoft know about it and let them fix it. Do they have guys/gals in a separate room trying to find vulnerabilities? It's like the jealous ex-boyfriend that tries to tell the new boyfriend about all the bad stuff.

blacktiger3436d ago (Edited 3436d ago )

I don't know why you think of Google that wat when they are helping for free. You see this why Windows OS POPULARITY IS LOSING. Bad vi us, slow and much more. No wonder windows phone is so lost.

If I was microsoft, I do everything to make sure security is hundred percent instead, they don't want to do it and rather do it on schedule! Chromeebook might be okay but my neck computer will be Mac. Windows so crap!


Software_Lover3436d ago

You obviously missed the point.....

They (Microsoft) are fixing the issue. Google is just trying to make a huge noise out of it. We all know there are vulnerabilities in software. Chrome, Firefox, I.E., etc etc. No other company is out there telling the other company "hey look what we found". That is the issue.

Go get your MAC. No one is stopping you. It's still an O.S. with vulnerabilities. They still have security updates just like Windows.


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