
Was the attack on Xbox Live and Playstation Network all a publicity stunt?

The attacks on the online game console services Xbox Live and Playstation Network that started Christmas day and reverberated for days thereafter may have been a marketing ploy by the group behind the attacks. Lizard Squad has announced that the software it used to bring the services down is now "up for sale", effectively allowing anybody the opportunity to attack other services and websites.

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JamshiJack3495d ago

can't blame if somebody thinks so because that certainly makes sense.

3494d ago
thorstein3494d ago

If Lizard Squad is so stupid to think that other people will pay for something that most people can get for free... I guess they are even stupider than I thought.

Publicity? To sell the software? Can you earn money from jail?


Xbox Live Gold subscription fees will be increasing across the board now

The increase will be $1, raising charges from $9.99 to $10.99/month for monthly subscribers while 3-month plans will go up by $5 to $29.99.

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Microsoft working on a toolkit to expand Xbox Live across Android, iOS, PC and Switch

Soon, you'll be able to enjoy all the benefits of being an Xbox Live fan on not only your console, but your iOS, Android and Switch devices.

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Microsoft To Ban 'Offensive Language' & Monitor Your Private Account

Microsoft is cracking down on what people say while using their services. The tech giant plans to ban accounts that use "offensive language" and will go through private data to "investigate" users.

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SunnyZ2298d ago

"Microsoft is warning customers using Office, Xbox, Skype, and other products that the company is prohibiting offensive language and inappropriate content"

Switch to OpenOffice/LibreOffice, PlayStation, Discord.

All excellent alternatives to Microshits