
FBI confirms: Lizard Squad under investigation for PSN, Xbox Live attacks

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has started investigating Lizard Squad, the online group that took credit for knocking PlayStation Network and Xbox Live offline. On Christmas, Lizard Squad allegedly assaulted Sony’s and Microsoft’s servers with a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack, which overwhelms a target with junk data that most servers don’t know how to handle. The result was that gamers on PlayStation and Xbox systems were without the ability to play many games for extended periods of time.

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Syko3496d ago

Get Son a Quattro for Xmas...Nothing but heartache ensued lol, Get these bastards.

cl19833496d ago

If only they could catch them already.


Xbox Live Gold subscription fees will be increasing across the board now

The increase will be $1, raising charges from $9.99 to $10.99/month for monthly subscribers while 3-month plans will go up by $5 to $29.99.

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Microsoft working on a toolkit to expand Xbox Live across Android, iOS, PC and Switch

Soon, you'll be able to enjoy all the benefits of being an Xbox Live fan on not only your console, but your iOS, Android and Switch devices.

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Microsoft To Ban 'Offensive Language' & Monitor Your Private Account

Microsoft is cracking down on what people say while using their services. The tech giant plans to ban accounts that use "offensive language" and will go through private data to "investigate" users.

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SunnyZ2298d ago

"Microsoft is warning customers using Office, Xbox, Skype, and other products that the company is prohibiting offensive language and inappropriate content"

Switch to OpenOffice/LibreOffice, PlayStation, Discord.

All excellent alternatives to Microshits