The PlayStation One was the first ever optical disc-based 32-bit gaming console to achieve success. But, the best was still to come… In 1999 when Sega launched the first ever 128-bit console dubbed the Dreamcast, Sony was about to unleash its most successful console in history!
Microsoft is laying off more employees, a new round after they cut thousands last year. It seems like many big tech companies are doing the same.
This week’s Play State of Play live stream event has been scheduled by Sony, and it may be enough to convince you to buy a PSVR 2.
Xbox February update is here to save the planet!
Man I miss those days..the PS2 was an incredible machine.
Being awesome ofc, IMO best console of all time
Gave us a DVD player, metal gear 2 and 3, GTA3, vice city and San andreas, God of War 1 and 2, Ico, Shadow of the Collosus, and many more top notch fantastic games...
Onimusha 1, 2 and 3, Manhunt and Red Dead, Gran Turismo 3 and 4, Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 and by no means least the Timesplitters trilogy with 2 being my favourite, didn't like EA's involvement with the 3rd one.
Its a great feeling to be a fan of the bestest! Not brands but the best. Any company can make the best product but right now ots PlayStation.
I still have that hooked up, still play some times..